25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Industry Event
Next Generation Optical Interconnects for AI Clusters: Beyond Linear Drive
31 January 2024 • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST | Moscone Center, Expo Stage, Hall DE (Exhibit Level) 
Massive investments into AI infrastructure are accelerating development of new solutions for optical connectivity. Performance of AI clusters is constrained by cost and power consumption of the optics. Linear drive pluggable (LPO) and co-packaged optics (CPO) offer 20% improvements in cost and 40% lower power consumption in comparison with standard re-timed transceivers. Yet, new optical materials and devices are needed to enable continuous improvements. If the optical industry fails to deliver, the AI infrastructure will find a different path forward, which will exclude optical connectivity. This opportunity should not be taken for granted.

This panel discussion will review promising optical technologies and barriers for their adoption. It will present a realistic roadmap for the next generation optical interconnects and requirements to connectivity in AI Clusters. This will be a call for action to leading suppliers, start-ups and industry organizations.


Vladimir Kozlov
Vladimir Kozlov
CEO and Founder
LightCounting (United States)


Yosef Ben Ezra
Yosef Ben Ezra
New Photonics (United States)

Janet Chen
Janet Chen
Technical Sourcing Manager, Fiber Optics
Meta (United States)

Alexey Kovsh
Alexey Kovsh
Alfalume (United States)

Bijian Nowroozi
Bijian Nowroozi
Open Compute Project Foundation (United States)

Uday Poosarla
Uday Poosarla
Senior Director
Celestial AI (United States)