Save the dates for 2026:
17 - 22 January
25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US

SPIE Photonics West Application Tracks

Focused topic areas: AI/ML, sustainability, brain function, translational research, 3D printing, photonic chips

What is an application track?

An application track is a grouping of presentations on a topic of widespread interest across conferences. During submission of the abstract, the submitting author should select an application track if it is relevant to their research. When the program is published online, presentations in an application track can be filtered so they display together in a single view. Review the presentations found within each application track for this meeting by clicking on the links below.

Attendees gather to hear specific topical research found in the application track listing online

Six applications tracks to explore at Photonics West

AI/ML - Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Papers that highlight the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning to create and implement intelligent systems across multiple sectors, technologies, and applications.


Papers that highlight the use of optics and photonics for renewable energy, natural resource management, sustainable and green manufacturing, and greenhouse gas mitigation in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Brain function

Papers that highlight the development of innovative optics and photonics technologies that increase our understanding of brain physiology and function.

Translational research

Papers that highlight the transition from bench to bedside using the latest photonics technologies, tools, and techniques for healthcare.

3D printing

Papers that highlight the innovative use of optics and photonics in multidisciplinary applications for multidimensional manufacturing.

Photonic Chips

Papers that highlight advances in materials, design, fabrication, integration, testing and packaging of photonic components at the chip level.