Save the dates for 2026:
17 - 22 January
25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US

SPIE Photonics West OPTO

Highlighting all facets of optoelectronics, photonic materials, and devices

Featuring 31 conferences on:

  • Optoelectronic Materials and Devices
  • Photonic Integration
  • Nanotechnologies in Photonics
  • MOEMS-MEMS in Photonics
  • Semiconductor Lasers, LEDs, and Applications
  • Displays and Holography
  • NEW - Optical Sensing and Precision Metrology


OPTO is the most important optoelectronics conference in the field and addresses the latest developments in a broad range of optoelectronic technologies and their integration for a variety of commercial applications. Topics include silicon photonics, photonic integration, optoelectronic materials and devices, semiconductor lasers, nanophotonics, LEDs, displays, holography and more.

OPTO plenary speakers

OPTO Courses

Advance your career with a course related to OPTO

More than 50 courses have been designed for advancing your career and professional skills and will be available onsite in San Francisco.

View all available courses


Silicon Photonics – SC817
Instructor(s): Sajan Saini and Jifeng Liu

Inverse Design for Photonics – SC1333
Instructor(s): Jin Weiliang and Prashanta Kharel

Introduction to Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) and Applications – SC1259
Instructor(s): Kent Choquette

Putting an industry focus on optoelectronics: Expo and free industry sessions

Attend Photonics West Exhibition

28 – 30 January 2025

Mark your calendar for the premier photonics and laser exhibition that hosts more than 1,000 companies. Meet top suppliers, make the right connections, and discover new possibilities.

OPTO Symposium Chairs

Ulrich T. Schwarz

Technische Univ. Chemnitz (Germany)

Karin Hinzer

Univ. of Ottawa (Canada)

OPTO Symposium Co-chairs

Andrea Blanco-Redondo

CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ. of Central Florida (United States)

Georg von Freymann

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Univ. Kaiserslautern-Landau (Germany)

OPTO Program Track Chairs

Optoelectronic Materials and Devices
Shibin Jiang, AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)

Photonic Integration
Yakov Sidorin, Quarles & Brady LLP (United States)
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France)

Nanotechnologies in Photonics
Ali Adibi, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States)

MOEMS-MEMS in Photonics
Hans Zappe, Univ. of Freiburg (Germany)

Semiconductor Lasers, LEDs, and Applications
Alexey Belyanin, Texas A&M Univ. (United States)
Martin Strassburg, ams-OSRAM International GmbH (Germany)

Displays and Holography
Liang-Chy Chien, Kent State Univ. (United States)