Dr. Tatiana Novikova

Fellow Member | Head of the Characterization and Modeling Division at Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris
Novikova, Tatiana
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SPIE Membership: 8.2 years
SPIE Awards: Fellow status | Senior status | 2020 G. G. Stokes Award in Optical Polarization | 2020 SPIE Community Champion | 2019 SPIE Community Champion
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Area of Expertise: Mueller polarimetry, Biomedical imaging, Optical metrology for semiconductor industry, Plasma physics, Diffraction and scattering of light, Numerical modeling
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9048-9158
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Profile Summary

Dr. Tatiana Novikova leads the Division of Characterisation and Modeling at the Laboratory of Physics of Interfaces and Thin Films of CNRS, Ecole polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France. She obtained MSc degree in applied mathematics from the Moscow State University (Russia), PhD in applied mathematics and physics from the Moscow Institute of Mathematical Modelling (Russia), and Habilitation in Physics from the University Paris-Sud (France). Dr. Novikova is a recipient of 2020 SPIE G. G. Stokes Award in optical polarization, OSA Fellow and SPIE Fellow. Dr Novikova got the OSA Outstanding Reviewer Recognition Award in 2018 and was featured in SPIE "Women in Optics" Planner 2018. She is an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Biomedical Optics. Dr Novikova is a Vice-Chair of SPIE monthly Henri Poincaré webinar series on optical polarization and related phenomena. She is a Conference Chair for "Polarized light and Optical Angular Momentum for biomedical diagnostics" Symposium at SPIE Photonics West BiOS. Her research interests and area of expertise include optical polarization, Mueller polarimetry, biomedical imaging, optical metrology and computational modeling of electromagnetic wave interaction with structured and random media.


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