Prof. John S. McCloy

Fellow Member | Professor and Director at Washington State Univ
McCloy, John S.
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SPIE Membership: 18.8 years
SPIE Awards: Fellow status | Senior status | 2007 Optics & Photonics Education Scholarship
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Area of Expertise: Infrared materials, Sensors, Glass development
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Social Media: LinkedIn
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Profile Summary

Dr. John S. McCloy is Professor and Director (Department Head) of the School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering and Lindholm Endowed Chair in Materials Engineering at Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman, WA. His professional career includes industry (10 y), national laboratory (5 y), and academia (11+ y) – a professor at WSU since 2013, a research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he retains a joint appointment as Chief Scientist, and a Raytheon multi-disciplined engineer. At WSU, he leads the Nuclear, Optical, Magnetic, & Electronic (NOME) Materials Lab and the Crystals and SemiConductors (CASC) group, both within the Institute of Materials Research (IMR). Together these scientists and engineers develop materials solutions for energy, environment, and security applications. Over his career, he has worked on diverse engineering problems, including cryogenics, composite structures, telescopes, optical ceramics, magnetic nanoparticles, ancient materials technologies, nuclear fuels, single crystal growth, and glass development for optics and immobilization of radioactive waste. His main interests in materials lie within crystal chemistry and solid-state physics, as well as advanced characterization techniques. He holds a SB degree in Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an MA in Cultural Anthropology and an MS and PhD in MSE from the University of Arizona. He is an author or co-author on over 300 journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, public reports, and patents, a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, a Fellow of SPIE, an elected member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences, and a Fulbright Scholar.

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