Paper 13305-2
Fusion of multiple dynamics-OCT contrasts for assessment of intratissue dynamics and visualization of dynamics-domain structures
27 January 2025 • 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST | Moscone South, Room 203 (Level 2)
Dynamic optical coherence tomography (DOCT) is an emerging label-free modality that visualizes intra-tissue activity by statistically analyzing the fluctuation of the time-sequential OCT signal. There are several variations of DOCT methods, and each of them is expected to be sensitive to different properties of intra-cellular and intra-tissue dynamics. However, most of the previous studies relied on a single type of DOCT, and this single-contrast nature limits the visibility of the dynamics structure of the tissue. In this presentation, we demonstrate a meta-contrast of DOCT, so-called “multi-dynamics OCT,” which is generated by fusing multiple types of DOCT contrasts. Notably, all the fundamental DOCT contrasts to be fused are generated by a single sequence of OCT frames. Hence, despite the multi-contrast nature of the multi-dynamic OCT, the data acquisition time is as short as that of single-contrast DOCT imaging. In addition, we numerically investigate the relationship between each fundamental DOCT contrast and the intra-tissue and intra-cellular dynamics by building mathematical models of intra-tissue and intra-cellular dynamics. It enables the interpretation of fundamental DOCT contrasts. The multi-dynamics OCT revealed complicated dynamics domains of anti-cancer-drug-treated tumor spheroids and an ex vivo mouse kidney which are obscured in previous single-contrast DOCT images. The combination of the multi-dynamics OCT image and the DOCT interpretation based on the numerical simulation enhances the subjective observation and objective interpretation ability of DOCT.
Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan)
I took Master degree in Computational Optics Group at Univ. of Tsukuba.
My master work was the imprementation of dynamic optical coherence tomography (DOCT) for alveolar organoid and the improvement for DOCT method.
I'm PhD student in the same group since April 2024, and continuou the development of DOCT for assessing the cultivation samples and small animals.