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25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Conference 13358 > Paper 13358-16
Paper 13358-16

Evolution of MOPA beamline designs for laser fusion research (Invited Paper)

28 January 2025 • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM PST | Moscone South, Room 76 (Lower Mezz)


The architecture and technology of the master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) that comprise a beamline of the multi-beam fusion lasers such as NIF that have recently demonstrated fusion scientific gain greater than one, that have evolved over the more than 50 years of research in Inertial Confinement fusion (ICF). The majority of ICF lasers worldwide such as NIF, the Omega laser at the University of Rochester, Laser Megajoule in France and SGIII in China are frequency tripled Nd doped phosphate glass systems. This presentation will summarize the advances that have been made in propagation including non-linear effects, multi-pass architectures and precision pulse shaping that has led to the recent achievement on NIF. While the focus of the presentation will be solid state lasers, the architecture and system strategies for excimer lasers that are also viable candidates for future IFE systems will also be discussed.


E. M. Campbell
MCM Consultants (United States)
Dr. Michael Campbells is an expert in Inertial Fusion, High Energy Density Physics, and high power lasers. He has won numerous awards including DOE’s Lawrence Award, the ANS Edward Teller Award, the APS John Dawson Award (twice), DOE’s Excellence in Weapons Research Award, and the Leadership and Distinguished Career Awards of Fusion Power Associates. He has received an honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Rochester. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Optica (formerly OSA). He has published over 190 articles in scientific journals and holds 3 patents. Campbell has worked in various scientific and leadership positions at both federal laboratories and the private sector. He has received his degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and the University of Western Sydney. He is presently an adjunct Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno and a Professor in Residence at the University of California-San Diego.
E. M. Campbell
MCM Consultants (United States)