Paper 13305-61
Axial deviations of contours in the swept source optical coherence tomography due to lateral scanning
29 January 2025 • 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM PST | Moscone South, Room 203 (Level 2)
A theoretical model and experiments demonstrate that contours of B-scans are deviated from correct axial
position when a specular target is tilted or curved in a flying spot swept source OCT system. Paper shows
that such deviations are more evident when the tunable laser sweeps in both directions. The smaller the
number of sweeps per lateral scanning interval, the larger these errors and deviations. Two swept sources
at 850 nm were evaluated, one unidirectional at 2 kHz (CSU-SS), the other bidirectional at 32 kHz (RSB-SS), in
two configurations, as used for imaging skin and the other for imaging the retina.
Univ. of Kent (United Kingdom)
Alejandro is an associate researcher at the University of Kent. During his PhD he has been working on the "Next Generation of tunable lasers", more specifically towards high-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography. This topic comes from the construction of a new laser for multi-MHz swept source OCT, the use of scanning elements able to cope with the high throughput of the laser, and finally, reducing the high demand for the signal processing of OCT. During the last year as an associate researcher, he has also been focused on new full-field swept-source endoscopic systems with forward-viewing capabilities.