25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Special Event
Quantum West Business Summit: Successful Deployment and Commercialization of Quantum Technologies
31 January 2024 • 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM PST | Moscone Center, Room 155 (Upper Mezzanine South) 
The true test demonstrating maturation of an emerging technology is the ability to deploy and sell products. Who are the current and potential customers for quantum technology and what are their product needs. Who are the companies that are addressing these challenges and who have provided product-worthy solutions to the field? Join us to hear from experts in both sectors of the value chain as they work to make quantum technologies a reality.


Anke Lohmann
Anke Lohmann
Founder and Director
Anchored In. Ltd. (United Kingdom)


Procurement of quantum PNT: Stimulating a supply chain or frustrating early users?

For six years grant-funded Collaborative Research and Development has been a mainstay of the UK’s National Quantum Technologies Program. The focus has now moved to Small Business Research Initiative procurement contracts. This presentation addresses trading-off stimulating a supply chain against the premature adoption of early products.

Roger McKinlay
Roger McKinlay
Challenge Director
Anchored In. Ltd. (United Kingdom)

Identifying the minimum viable product, engineering product-market fit, and getting quantum out of the lab: A journey for optical atomic clocks

Most quantum technologies start as academic and research tools serving a niche community of scientists. Getting these quantum tools out of the lab is usually an arduous process only worth undertaking when there is a reasonably sized user-market at the end of the development cycle. Maximizing the total addressable market requires making fieldable tech that satisfies non-specialist customer needs. At a minimum, quantum tech products must strive to be (1) automated for operation by non-scientists, (2) fieldable in diverse operating conditions, (3) ship-able in extremely diverse storage conditions, (4) long-lived, and (5) provide significant value-to-price ratio. Successful quantum tech products also do this in a way that feeds into volume manufacturing. Atomic clocks are an excellent use case of how quantum products broke into existing markets, made new markets, and became critical, widespread products underpinning modern day existence. Now, optical atomic clocks are experiencing a similar process coming to market, which will be discussed in the context of quantum minimum viable products.

Judith Olson
Judith Olson
Product Manager for Optical Atomic Clocks
Infleqtion (United States)

Portable cold matter platforms for PNT applications

Aquark Technologies is enhancing portability of cold matter platforms, enabling active field use. Eliminating the reliance on magnetic fields for cold atom generation opens up novel applications for this technology. This presentation explores the commercial opportunities arising from this paradigm shifting approach.

Andrei Dragomir
Andrei Dragomir
Co-founder, CEO
Aquark Technologies (United Kingdom)

Field deploying quantum diamond magnetometry

SBQuantum is Building Quantum Magnetics for Earth and Space, combining leading edge hardware in the field of quantum sensing with advanced interpretation and compensation algorithms to bring magnetics to new heights. Its platform targets the markets of defense, mining exploration and aerospace. Based on diamond NV-centers, its sensor will be launched into space as part of the MagQuest challenge in order to map more efficiently the Earth's magnetic field. Also known as the World Magnetic Model (WMM), it is vital for every navigational system, including smartphones, aircrafts and ships. In this talk, I will overview the technical challenges related to developing the novel quantum technology and discuss some learnings from field deployment of quantum magnetometers which highlight very different competitive advantages of the technology.

Camille Georges
Camille Georges
Operations Director
SBQuantum (Canada)