SPIE Announces New Space, Satellites + Sustainability (S3) Meeting for September 2020
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, has announced that the co-located SPIE Remote Sensing and SPIE Security + Defence conferences will be joined by the new Space, Satellites + Sustainability (S3) meeting this year. The meetings — which feature individual conferences and share an exhibition — will take place in Edinburgh, UK, between 20-24 September 2020.
Comprehensive coverage of timely scientific topics will be presented, with more than 25 countries represented. These events provide a unique opportunity for scientists, engineers, programme managers, and policy makers from around the world to learn about the trends, recent developments, and achievements in the areas of remote sensing, security, and defence, while now also highlighting newly operational and forthcoming satellite systems as well.
S3 is organized by the University of Edinburgh and SPIE. This interdisciplinary meeting will showcase newly operational and future satellite systems which provide new sensors supporting sustainability. Advances in the processing of big satellite data will be presented alongside novel analytics, including those producing actionable sustainability intelligence. Abstract submissions are currently being accepted until 1 April 2020. More information is available on the S3 Event Website.