Paper 13412-45
Topological data analysis in 3D ultrasound tomography
19 February 2025 • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PST | Golden State Ballroom
Topological data/image analysis has grown into an independent area of practical research in the past 8 years due to the increased availability of software to carry out persistent homology, etc. Other aspects include cohomology, graph theory, Morse theory and homotopy groups. We focus here on homotopy groups. We introduce a specific map from S1 to the N-torus, where N is the number of elements in the receiver array in the QT Imaging system. We show the homotopic equivalence classes of these maps (the elements of the (known) first homotopy group of the N-Torus) have direct relevance to phase wrapping in frequency domain 3D ultrasound tomography in a manner somewhat different from the normal understanding of phase wrapping/cycle-skipping.
The maps are related to the Lie symmetry group associated with full view tomography: SO(2)xR which arise in the equivalence of our method to training a neural net previously shown. This characterization as a known homotopy group gives constraints on frequency stepping in reconstruction and/or vertical differences between data levels in data acquisition scenarios, depending on the interpretation of the R coordinate in the Lie symmetry group.
QT Imaging, Inc. (United States)
Dr. Wiskin, PhD (Mathematics U. Utah), MSc (math, statistics), B. Math (Waterloo), QTI Fellow, is an author/co-author on 14 Patents, with several additional patents pending, and has over 100 peer reviewed papers, book chapters, and presentations, including the Zagzebski-Carson Distinguished Lecture in Medical ultrasound for AAPM 2023, anchor/invited talks at MUST (Medical ultrasound tomography) 2022, Gordon Research Conference 2022, IEEE International Ultrasound Symposium (2019) and ISBI (2018) and Acoustical Society of America International 177th meeting (2019) and serves on the SPIE (Life member) Medical Imaging Ultrasound Tomography Conf. Committee and the IEEE (senior member) International Ultrasound Symposium Medical Ultrasound Committee. Co-founder of TechniScan, the winner of the 2005 Stoel-Rives Innovation Award for Medical Devices and shared “Utah Best of State” Science and Technology: Medical Innovation, which was then acquired by QT Ultrasound in 2012, QT Imaging, 2024