Program now available
Registration open
16 - 20 February 2025
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13412 > Paper 13412-26
Paper 13412-26

Quantitative analysis of the computational, data, and image characteristics/complexity of MRI vs 3D ultrasound

19 February 2025 • 3:50 PM - 4:10 PM PST | Palm 2


3D ultrasound tomography is now deployed in multiple breast clinics in 5 countries. The results here and in development show image quality comparable to MRI, but it is also quantitative. This never before published work quantifies the exact ratio of the data contribution to a single voxel and the relative computational complexity in the 3D ultrasound case vs MRI. Even with the newer model based methods of MRI reconstruction the data acquisition (DA) is such that there are 5+ orders of magnitude less data contributing to a voxel for MRI than for quantitative 3D ultrasound due to the 3D nature of the acoustic field. However, this also requires 8+ orders of magnitude more calculations than MRI and the solution to this problem is reviewed. This explains the quantitative accuracy, high resolution and remarkable capabilities of 3D ultrasound in the presence of bone and air. Images from orthopedics, breast and whole body imaging indicate image quality. Ewald circle analysis indicates theoretical resolution and is compared with measured data. The observed quantitative accuracy, high resolution and repeatability even in the presence of bone and air can be partially explained in this way.


QT Imaging, Inc. (United States)
Dr. Wiskin, PhD (Mathematics U. Utah), MSc (math, statistics), B. Math (Waterloo), QTI Fellow, is an author/co-author on 14 Patents, with several additional patents pending, and has over 100 peer reviewed papers, book chapters, and presentations, including the Zagzebski-Carson Distinguished Lecture in Medical ultrasound for AAPM 2023, anchor/invited talks at MUST (Medical ultrasound tomography) 2022, Gordon Research Conference 2022, IEEE International Ultrasound Symposium (2019) and ISBI (2018) and Acoustical Society of America International 177th meeting (2019) and serves on the SPIE (Life member) Medical Imaging Ultrasound Tomography Conf. Committee and the IEEE (senior member) International Ultrasound Symposium Medical Ultrasound Committee. Co-founder of TechniScan, the winner of the 2005 Stoel-Rives Innovation Award for Medical Devices and shared “Utah Best of State” Science and Technology: Medical Innovation, which was then acquired by QT Ultrasound in 2012 & QT Imaging in 2024
QT Imaging, Inc. (United States)
QT Imaging, Inc. (United States)