Paper 13412-12
Exact Kramers-Kronig derivation and applications
18 February 2025 • 4:30 PM - 4:50 PM PST | Palm 2
Tissue attenuation is generally modelled as a power law in frequency. The exact Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relation has been derived for power law frequency variation using infinite series representations of operators in certain function spaces and little known infinite series expansions of functions. We give a simple derivation using only contour integrals and show some associated results from bovine femur and phantoms. The method is extended to power laws higher than unity using a subtraction technique which is required for applications. The exact variation of the speed vs frequency is important to determine the frequency independent part of the pseudo wave number that results from a standard transformation of the variable density wave equation to the Helmholtz equation. This frequency independent part may be helpful in the estimation of density.
This simple derivation is similar to standard methods in wave analysis to derive Green’s functions and integral representations and indeed the K-K integral relation itself. The extension to a>1 is required to be physically relevant and is also carried out very simply. The singular case at a=1 is established as a limiting case.
QT Imaging, Inc. (United States)
Dr. Wiskin, PhD (Mathematics U. Utah), MSc (math, statistics), B. Math (Waterloo), QTI Fellow, is an author/co-author on 14 Patents, with several additional patents pending, and has over 100 peer reviewed papers, book chapters, and presentations, including the Zagzebski-Carson Distinguished Lecture in Medical ultrasound for AAPM 2023, anchor/invited talks at MUST (Medical ultrasound tomography) 2022, Gordon Research Conference 2022, IEEE International Ultrasound Symposium (2019) and ISBI (2018) and Acoustical Society of America International 177th meeting (2019) and serves on the SPIE (Life member) Medical Imaging Ultrasound Tomography Conf. Committee and the IEEE (senior member) International Ultrasound Symposium Medical Ultrasound Committee. Co-founder of TechniScan, the winner of the 2005 Stoel-Rives Innovation Award for Medical Devices and shared “Utah Best of State” Science and Technology: Medical Innovation, which was then acquired by QT Ultrasound in 2012 & QT Imaging in 2024