Program now available
Registration open
16 - 20 February 2025
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13407 > Paper 13407-85
Paper 13407-85

Classification of pure DCIS cases in breast ultrasound images by multiscale contrastive learning

19 February 2025 • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PST | Golden State Ballroom


Distinction between invasive breast cancers and non-invasive cancers is important for determination of treatment planning. The decision is generally made based on biopsy; however, if diagnosis can be predicted by imaging, it would be useful for timely treatment planning and biopsy sampling. The purpose of this study is to classify breast ultrasound images with invasive cancers and non-invasive cancers. The number of cases used in this study is 690 breast ultrasound images, including 584 invasive cancers and 106 ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS). Since cases are highly imbalanced, the model was first pretrained for matched pairs and unmatched pairs with contrastive loss. The model is then fine-tuned for classification of invasive cancers and DCISs. Although accuracy is almost unchanged, the recall for DCIS cases was slightly improved. Classification of non-invasive cancers on ultrasound images can support prompt treatment planning and biopsy procedures.


Shiga Univ. (Japan)
Application tracks: AI/ML
Shiga Univ. (Japan)
Nagoya Medical Ctr. (Japan)
Nagoya Medical Ctr. (Japan)
Saitama Medical Univ. International Medical Ctr. (Japan)