16 - 19 June 2025
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Hotel and travel information for Waterloo, Ontario

Providing the most up-to-date information to make your travel and onsite experience the best possible
Photonics for Quantum in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Welcome to Waterloo

SPIE/RIT Photonics for Quantum will be held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Nestled amongst the Great Lakes and southwest of Toronto, Waterloo is a convenient location with all the amenities of a larger city, while maintaining the charm and character of a smaller community. The city boasts high-ranking universities and technological think tanks that are helping to translate great ideas into some of the most successful and innovative businesses in the country. 


University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

Make your hotel reservations

Housing opens March 2025. The links provided here are the only ones authorized for making reservations and you will never be contacted by email or phone unless you explicitly request. If you book your hotel room from another source, you may be subject to fraud or identity theft. 

It is also valuable to note whether the rate is showing in US dollars or CAD dollars. 

Reserve your room through the SPIE room rate (available March 2025)

The SPIE room rate offers the best pricing and selection with a priority deadline of May 2025. Standard pricing will be available after this date.

Hotel in Rochester

Airport information

Shuttle service 

Aside from their airport services, Waterloo Taxi provides numerous other transportation services.

Public transit services  

    Car rental  

        Parking at University of Waterloo 

        • From Columbia Street West, enter via Hagey Boulevard
        • Turn right onto Ring Road and turn left into Parking Lot M
        • Parking Lot M is available, pay to park
        • Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Center (QNC Building) is an approximately 10-minute walk from this Parking Lot M
        • View University map