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    Past Event Overview

    Register today for SPIE Bio-Photonics Australasia

     This conference explored photonics for diagnostics and treatment using interactions between light and biological systems, and the latest advances in biomedicine and advanced imaging.

    Final Program 4 MB PDF (2 MB PDF)

    See what happened at the conference (YouTube)

    Presentation Topics
     • BioPhotonics
    Generating and harnessing light to image and sense; detect and manipulate biological systems.
     • Medical Imaging
    Fluorescent nanomaterials have enormous potential as nanoscale light sources and sensors operating as beacons within biological environments. These are changing the way biological systems can be studied and stretching the fundamental limits of detection.
     • Fibre Sensing
    Advanced optical fibres have the ability to change the way in which light is delivered to / from nano-environments.
    Plenary Presentations
    Rainer Heintzmann

    Light-sheet Based Raman Imaging

    Rainer Heintzmann, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology and Institute of Physical Chemistry (Germany)

    Chris Xu

    In vivo Multiphoton Imaging of Mouse Brain

    Chris Xu, Cornell University (USA)

    Richard Levenson

    Path, Present, and Future 

    Richard Levenson, University of California, Davis Medical Center (USA)
    George Paxinos

    The Brain of Humans and Experimental Animals

    George Paxinos, Neuroscience Research Australia (Australia)

    Brett Bouma

     Advances for Imaging Tissue Composition and Microstructure with Endoscopic OCT

    Brett Bouma, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (USA)

    Yves De Koninck

    Neurophotonics Challenges: From Decoding Molecular Interactions at Synapses to Controlling Behaviour

    Yves De Koninck, Laval Univ. and Quebec Mental Health Institute (Canada)

    SPIE conference papers are published in the Proceedings of SPIE and available via the SPIE Digital Library, the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics research.  

    The Proceedings are indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, Ei Compendex, Inspec, Google Scholar, Astrophysical Data System (ADS), DeepDyve, ReadCube, CrossRef, and other scholarly indexes, and are widely accessible to leading research organizations, conference attendees, and individual researchers.