Each year this important community comes together to share and discuss current research, hear the latest breakthroughs, and connect with colleagues. Review the 2025 program.
Putting focus on topical areas with application tracks
Application tracks list presentations on a topical area with broad-range interest so that participants can easily locate presentations in their area of interest. In the 2025 program, these topics will include AI/ML and sustainability. Learn more
In an effort to recognize the many important advances in the field of medical imaging – these awards are directed toward student authors or early-career scientists; some awards offer cash prizes.
See the application process for 2025. We welcome your participation. The applications close 29 November.
This meeting is the internationally recognized forum for reporting state-of-the-art research and development in medical imaging. The event focuses on the latest innovations found in underlying fundamental scientific principles, technology developments, scientific evaluation, and clinical application. The symposium covers the full range of medical imaging modalities focusing on image acquisition, display, processing, analysis, perception, decision support, and informatics. Read the full invitation from the chairs.
Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Labs.,
Duke Univ. School of Medicine
(United States)
Carlson Ctr. for Imaging Science,
Rochester Institute of Technology
(United States)