What are the primary responsibilities of your current job?
My daily routine involves working on the external presence of our company, our products, and services. In cooperation with our worldwide sales team and management, we define relevant markets, activities, and strategies. I select the relevant marketing and communication tools, and am responsible for their realization and implementation. This requires a good understanding of the markets, the products, the effects of marketing and communication tools, and a keen sense for intercultural differences. My activities include writing and placing press releases; creating and maintaining brochures, flyers, presentations, web pages; preparing for and attending events, such as trade shows and workshops; creating supportive tools such as
databases, archives, give-aways etc.; giving presentations; and facilitating a regular exchange with other companies.
What do you wish you had known when first starting out?
In this fast moving industry, you have to be prepared to learn every day and be open to advice from colleagues and companions. Stay curious and expect the unexpected, but never lose your enjoyment and excitement for what you are doing, since this is the best wellspring for good work.
Do you have advice for young women considering a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)?
No one should worry that this area is too technical or too scientific. For someone coming from the field of business administration and marketing, the optical industry features very exciting topics, fascinating projects, and the opportunity to influence and enrich this industry from the perspective of a young woman with an affinity for marketing and communication.