Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Country of birth: China
Educational background: PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County; MS Telecommunications and BS Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Communications
![Eliza Yingzi Du Eliza Yingzi Du](/images/Graphics/Membership/Eliza-Yingzi-Du.jpg)
Who or what inspired you to work in science/engineering?When I was a child, I was amazed by what the scientists and engineers have done to this world. In particular, the documentary movie of the Apollo 11 moon landing inspired me. I wished to be one of the engineers who would design a spacecraft to help more people visit the moon and outer space.
Primary responsibilities of your current jobCurrently, my research area is in biometrics, image processing, and pattern recognition. Biometrics involves identifying a person by his fingerprint, face, iris, palm etc. Image processing and pattern recognition helps a machine, computer, or robot to "see" the wonderful world as a human can see it and to "see" what a human cannot see. My responsibilities include designing and inventing new methods and systems in this area to solve real life problems. As a professor, my other more important responsibilities are to help young engineering students learn and grow, and nurture more (and smarter) engineers for our society.
Biggest obstacle or challenge that you have faced in your careerThe biggest obstacle is "time." Time runs out fast every day. We always have more interesting problems to solve than we can handle in a limited time period. I try my best and work hard every day.
Advice you wish you had received when you were first starting outSometimes, some people claim girls have more difficulties than boys when it comes to succeeding in engineering disciplines. This is FALSE.