Professor of Research and Director, Instituto de Óptica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain
Country of birth: Spain
Educational background: PhD Visual Optics, MSc Applied Optics, BS Physics, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; Postdoctoral Research (Fulbright Fellow; Human Frontiers Science Fellow), Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard University, USA
A typical work day
During a typical work day, I coordinate the experimental work and review results with my students and co-workers, organize the laboratory experiments and equipment, write papers and grants, prepare lectures, review publications, and handle editorial decisions. In addition, I meet with colleagues from other institutions, go to conferences, participate in reviewing committees, coordinate institutional activities, and plan strategies at the institute and at the group level.
What I enjoy most
I most enjoy planning experiments to answer open questions in my field of research, and then coming up with an answer after analyzing results.
Words of wisdom
Take advantage of all opportunities that come up, and never give up your goals.