16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13102 > Paper 13102-150
Paper 13102-150

Broadband tuneable travelling wave parametric multiplier based on high-gap superconducting thin film

On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024


The well-established technology of the superconducting quantum parametric amplifier (SPA) can be reconfigured to perform functions beyond amplification, such as frequency multiplication, by utilising the low-noise, low-loss superconducting nonlinear transmission line. This versatile technology holds potential for various applications, including ‘pumping’ a millimetre (mm) or sub-mm wave heterodyne mixer or driving a high-frequency SPA. Its significance lies in the ability to incorporate a high-purity signal source into the cryogenic stage alongside the primary detector, thereby eliminating noise associated with room temperature sources. Additionally, there is potential for on-chip integration with the detector circuit, leading to a more compact architecture.

This manuscript details the design of a travelling-wave parametric multiplier (TWPaM) that exploits the nonlinear wave-mixing mechanism to enhance the third harmonic growth from a strong pump tone injected into the travelling wave parametric amplifier (TWPA)-like device. While this functionality has been demonstrated previously, it exhibited narrowband performance. In this manuscript, we present our approach to designing a dispersion engineering scheme that enables the generation of broadband tunable tripler tones with high conversion efficiency. We showcase our design methodology using a niobium titanium nitride (NbTiN) high-gap thin-film transmission line as an example. Our presentation includes the theoretical model governing the physics of higher harmonics generation, emphasising phase-matching conditions that allow for broadband operation while suppressing unwanted modes. Although the ultimate aim is to develop a mm/sub-mm TWPaM, we aim to demonstrate the feasibility of their operation with a scaled microwave design in this manuscript. We will show that we can theoretically achieve close to 35% conversion efficiency across approximately 60% operational bandwidth.


Boon-Kok Tan
Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Boon-Kok Tan earned his D.Phil. in Astrophysics from the University of Oxford, UK. His research centres on advancing superconducting quantum electronics, specifically in heterodyne mixers and parametric amplifier technologies. These innovations have applications in astronomy, ultra-sensitive physics experiments, and potential industrial uses. His primary goal is to advance quantum mixer technologies into large multi-pixel heterodyne arrays, extending their operation into the supra-THz regime. Tan explores the broader applications of parametric amplifier technologies, including quantum computation, dark matter search, neutrino mass determination, astronomy, and beyond.
Application tracks: Astrophotonics , Radio Astronomy
Boon-Kok Tan
Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Peter K. Day
Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)