Jasleen Kaur

Believe in the power of self-confidence.

Headshot: Jasleen Kaur,  PhD Student, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Central  Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR), IndiaNo one on this earth is born intelligent or great. We only gain knowledge when we ask questions and clear our doubts. If you are putting hard work, perseverance, and sincerity into your work, no one can stop you. If anyone is bullying or criticizing you, take the criticism gracefully.

I am a doctoral student working in the futuristic and exciting domain of photonics. I am focused on developing integrated pointed probes in optical fibers that are easy to fabricate as well as efficient to work with. The probes are cavities which can hold microresonators to work as sensors. The work is challenging: light always fascinates me because of its mysterious and surprising nature. Though the results after experimenting are not always in favor, part of my job is to keep trying. I believe research is not limited to dedicated office hours; instead, a researcher is always on duty—whether that means keeping oneself up-to-date on the work that is being carried out, or documenting the results.

If I had to identify a person who inspired me to choose a career in science, I see my grade-school science teacher, Mrs. Rajdeep Gautam. It was because of her that I developed my zeal to study science and pursue a doctorate. I must also mention my PhD mentor, Dr. Samir Mondal, who inspires me to be a better researcher every day. Obtaining a PhD was my decision, but I am pursuing it because of his guidance and faith in me. He has taught me valuable lessons like patience, optimism, the importance of focused goals, and, most importantly, honesty towards work. I can't forget to mention my family who has not only nurtured me with love but has also taught me the importance of scientific temper in life. Due to such mentors, I have become a better version of myself today.

The biggest challenge I have faced in life and career is my introverted nature. I was bullied in my school days which made me a less confident and introverted person. I was always hesitant to speak to a new person and had so many fears of judgement. This further worsened the situation of not getting the right guidance when I started working on my PhD in photonics. But I learned to speak up about my ideas and doubts with fellow mates and mentors. Every person who has either criticized me or appreciated me made me a better person and has made this journey beautiful.

Jasleen Kaur
PhD Student, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR), India
Born in India / Resides in India
Educational Background: BS in Science, MS in Physics

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