Yoko Miyamoto

Yoko Miyamoto - 2011 SPIE Women in Optics Planner

Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Science, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Country of birth: Japan

Educational background: PhD, MS, and BS, University of Tokyo, Japan

Dawn MunsonA typical work day
Typically my days are focused on research projects with my students. This year we are looking into some ideas for interferometer stabilization, which we will use to look at orbital angular momentum entangled photon pairs. I am also teaching a course on quantum systems and information, and leading a lab course for graduate students where they push the limits and
see how things break.

What I enjoy most
I enjoy delving into complex phenomena to see how they relate to the fundamental principles of nature, and to try out new ideas and see them actually working in the lab. I also enjoy working with my students, each with
their individual talents and characters.

Words of wisdom
Follow your heart and be prepared to be flexible, because the world is changing fast.